Sunday, 21 October 2018

How To Use ‘zpool split’ to Split rpool in solaris 11 (SPARC) By Devan

How To Use ‘zpool split’ to Split rpool in solaris 11 (SPARC)

A mirrored ZFS storage pool can be quickly cloned as a backup pool by using the zpool split command. You can use this feature to split a mirrored root pool, but the pool that is split off is not bootable until you perform some additional steps.

Caveats and Assumptions

1.The new/split pool must be used on the same host or the same server family type and architecture. ie: If the source rpool is imported and split on a T5120, the new pool must also be used on the same server type (T5xx0).

Splitting the rpool

Verify the current status of the rpool. At minimum it should be a mirror. Depending on the number of available devices or desired end goal, an additional (3rd) mirror may be added and used to create the new rpool.
2 way mirror example
# zpool status rpool
  pool: rpool
 state: ONLINE
  scan: resilvered 22.3G in 0h7m with 0 errors on Thu Mar 13 05:55:12 2014

        NAME          STATE     READ WRITE CKSUM
        rpool         ONLINE       0     0     0
          mirror-0    ONLINE       0     0     0
            c3t0d0s0  ONLINE       0     0     0
            c3t1d0s0  ONLINE       0     0     0
This post uses two-way-mirror example, though the procedure is no different for a 3-way mirror with the exception of the disk used to create the new pool.
2. According to the man page of zpool the last device in the pool will be used to create the new pool unless a device is specified. It is best practice to specify the device regardless to ensure the correct device is chosen.
# zpool split rpool newrpool c3t1d0s0
3. By default any new pool created using ‘zpool split’ is automatically exported once the split completes. Therefore the new pool won’t appear in ‘zpool list’.
# zpool list
rpool  136G  22.3G  114G  16%  1.00x  ONLINE  -
4. Use ‘zpool import’ to confirm the new pool was created with the correct device :
# zpool import

  pool: newrpool
    id: 712596357404561922
 state: ONLINE
action: The pool can be imported using its name or numeric identifier.

        newrpool    ONLINE
          c3t1d0s0  ONLINE
5. Temporarily import the pool, ‘newrpool’, using a different mount point so modifications to critical files can be made before the pool is used. The following imports the pool and sets a temporary mountpoint, but does not mount any of the datasets.
# mkdir /newrpool
# zpool import -N -R /newrpool newrpool
# zfs list -r newrpool
NAME                        USED  AVAIL  REFER  MOUNTPOINT
newrpool                   23.0G   111G  73.5K  /newrpool/newrpool
newrpool/ROOT              2.44G   111G    31K  legacy
newrpool/ROOT/solaris      2.44G   111G  1.92G  /newrpool
newrpool/ROOT/solaris/var   475M   111G   449M  /newrpool/var
newrpool/VARSHARE          59.5K   111G  59.5K  /newrpool/var/share
newrpool/dump              16.4G   111G  15.9G  -
newrpool/export             100K   111G    35K  /newrpool/export
newrpool/export/home       65.5K   111G    32K  /newrpool/export/home
newrpool/export/home/jack  33.5K   111G  33.5K  /newrpool/export/home/jack
newrpool/swap              4.13G   111G  4.00G  -
6. Mount the top-level filesystem where the ‘menu.lst’ is located.
# zfs mount -vO -o mountpoint=/newrpool newrpool
7. Edit the menu.lst file to change the entry to point at the new pool name.
# cd /newrpool/boot
# ls
# cat menu.lst
title Oracle Solaris 11.1 SPARC
bootfs rpool/ROOT/solaris
# cp menu.lst menu.lst.orig
# vi menu.lst
title Oracle Solaris 11.1 SPARC
bootfs newrpool/ROOT/solaris
8. Mount the root filesystem.
# zfs mount -vO -o mountpoint=/newrpool newrpool/ROOT/solaris
# cd /newrpool
/newrpool# ls
bin           home          net           root          system
boot          home_hls-mfg  newrpool      rpool         tmp
dev           import        nfs4          sbin          usr
devices       kernel        opt           share         var
etc           lib           platform      shared        workspace
export        media         proc          support       ws
hls-mfg       mnt           re            sw
9. Remove the zpool.cache file. This file maintains an on-disk view of the imported ZFS pools and is read at boot time to populate the in-core ZFS Storage Pool configs without having to delay the boot by scanning and reading all the disks presented to the host. The purpose of removing this file is to ensure that we do scan all the disks and re-create this file with the configuration of the new pool when the system is booted from the ‘newrpool’.
# rm /newrpool/etc/zfs/zpool.cache
10. edit the vfstab and change the poolname for the swap device. Change all entries referencing ‘rpool’ to the new pool name, ‘newrpool’:
# grep rpool /newrpool/etc/vfstab
/dev/zvol/dsk/rpool/swap        -               -               swap    -       no      -
11. Update the boot archive for the newrpool.
# bootadm update-archive -v -R /newrpool
12. Unmount the filesystems for the new pool and export it.
 # cd /
 # zfs unmount /newrpool
 # umount /newrpool
 # zpool export newrpool
13. Shutdown the system to the OK prompt.
# shutdown -y -i0 -g0
14. Boot the system from the disk used to create the new pool, ‘newrpool’. Use either the full path to the device if the device is external to the host or the internal alias or full device path if it’s an internal disk. Boot the host with a reconfiguration reboot to ensure all device entries are updated.
{0} ok boot disk1 -rs
15. Watch the boot carefully for any errors or warnings. If the system boots and presents the login prompt with no errors, CONTINUE. If the system drops to maintenance mode and/or presents any SMF errors, STOP and resolve.
16. Verify the filesystems point to the correct new pool name, ‘newrpool’ and perform initial validation steps.
# zpool list
newrpool  136G  22.4G  114G  16%  1.00x  ONLINE  -

# zfs list
NAME                        USED  AVAIL  REFER  MOUNTPOINT
newrpool                   23.0G   111G    75K  /newrpool
newrpool/ROOT              2.45G   111G    31K  legacy
newrpool/ROOT/solaris      2.45G   111G  1.93G  /
newrpool/ROOT/solaris/var   476M   111G   450M  /var
newrpool/VARSHARE            61K   111G    61K  /var/share
newrpool/dump              16.4G   111G  15.9G  -
newrpool/export             100K   111G    35K  /export
newrpool/export/home       65.5K   111G    32K  /export/home
newrpool/export/home/jack  33.5K   111G  33.5K  /export/home/jack
newrpool/swap              4.13G   111G  4.00G  -

# swap -l 
swapfile             dev    swaplo   blocks     free
/dev/zvol/dsk/newrpool/swap 285,1        16  8388592  8388592

# svcs -xv   -- Resolve any SMF services that have faults
If the ‘newrpool’ is to be exported from the host on which it was created and used on another host, it is advisable at this point to run # sysconfig unconfigure -s such that when the new system boots from ‘newrpool’ the Hostname, IP/NetMask, Timezone, Name Services, etc are configured correctly. If you do not want the system to shutdown remove the ‘-s’ flag.

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