Sunday, 21 October 2018

Solaris : How to create processor set (pset) and associate it with a pool By Devan

Solaris : How to create processor set (pset) and associate it with a pool

Resource pools provide a mechanism for partitioning a system into persistent processor sets with optional scheduling class assignments. Pools even work with Dynamic Reconfiguration (DR). The post describes how to create a processor set and associate it with a pool. Before a processor pool can be created, the svc:/system/pools:default service must be enabled. It can be verified with the following command:
# svcs -l svc:/system/pools:default
fmri         svc:/system/pools:default
name         resource pools framework
enabled      true
state        online
next_state   none
state_time   Sun Jun 09 12:54:36 2013
logfile      /var/svc/log/system-pools:default.log
restarter    svc:/system/svc/restarter:default
dependency   require_all/none svc:/system/filesystem/minimal (online)
If the service is not enabled, it can be enabled with the following command:
# svcadm enable svc:/system/pools:default

Configuration file

The default configuration file for pools is /etc/pooladm.conf. There are basically three things listed in this file:
system - This is the machine-level entity which represents the entire system.
pset - This is a processor set.
pool - This is a named collection of resources (processor set and/or scheduling class assignment).

Setting up pset

Check the current configuration of the machine as it exists now. You should see that everything has been allocated to the default processor set, or pset_default:
# pooladm

system default
        string  system.comment 
        int     system.version 1
        boolean system.bind-default true
        string  system.poold.objectives wt-load

        pool pool_default
                int     pool.sys_id 0
                boolean true
                boolean pool.default true
                int     pool.importance 1
                string  pool.comment 
                pset    pset_default

        pset pset_default
                int     pset.sys_id -1
                boolean pset.default true
                uint    pset.min 1
                uint    pset.max 65536
                string  pset.units population
                uint    pset.load 6
                uint    pset.size 4
                string  pset.comment 

                        int     cpu.sys_id 1
                        string  cpu.comment 
                        string  cpu.status on-line

                        int     cpu.sys_id 0
                        string  cpu.comment 
                        string  cpu.status on-line

                        int     cpu.sys_id 3
                        string  cpu.comment 
                        string  cpu.status on-line

                        int     cpu.sys_id 2
                        string  cpu.comment 
                        string  cpu.status on-line
At any time you can update the static configuration using the following command.
# pooladm -s
This gets committed to the /etc/pooladm.conf file whenever the following command is run:
# pooladm -c
To start creating a processor set, first create the pset itself. In this example, the processor set is specifically being created to have 2 cpus at all time, so the max and min values of the processor set are the same.
# poolcfg -c 'create pset pset_test (uint pset.min = 2; uint pset.max = 2)'
Once the pset is created, the pool can be created.
# poolcfg -c 'create pool pool_test'
Then the pool must be associated to the pset.
# poolcfg -c 'associate pool pool_test (pset pset_test)'
The processor set and pool should look like this now:
# poolcfg -c info

system default
        string  system.comment 
        int     system.version 1
        boolean system.bind-default true
        string  system.poold.objectives wt-load

        pool pool_default
                int     pool.sys_id 0
                boolean true
                boolean pool.default true
                int     pool.importance 1
                string  pool.comment 
                pset    pset_default

        pool pool_test
                boolean true
                boolean pool.default false
                int     pool.importance 1
                string  pool.comment 
                pset    pset_test

        pset pset_default
                int     pset.sys_id -1
                boolean pset.default true
                uint    pset.min 1
                uint    pset.max 65536
                string  pset.units population
                uint    pset.load 12
                uint    pset.size 4
                string  pset.comment 

                        int     cpu.sys_id 1
                        string  cpu.comment 
                        string  cpu.status on-line

                        int     cpu.sys_id 0
                        string  cpu.comment 
                        string  cpu.status on-line

                        int     cpu.sys_id 3
                        string  cpu.comment 
                        string  cpu.status on-line

                        int     cpu.sys_id 2
                        string  cpu.comment 
                        string  cpu.status on-line

        pset pset_test
                int     pset.sys_id -2
                boolean pset.default false
                uint    pset.min 2
                uint    pset.max 2
                string  pset.units population
                uint    pset.load 0
                uint    pset.size 0
                string  pset.comment
And the configuration should be committed to pooladm.conf as well.
# poolcfg -c
Reboot the system, and the processor set will be created according to the guidelines set down by the configuration.
# shutdown -i6 -g0 -y


At this point the processor set has been created, and is available for use by any zones or applications as per your requirement. To verify the pset creation and pool usage use below commands:
# psrinfo
# psrset
# poolstat

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